Thursday, 26 July 2012

My first time making a fool out of myself (not)

Encounter with a tramp

So there I am, sitting on a bench near where I live eating a fruit salad just minding my own business. This tramp emerges from nowhere and sits next to me - no big deal, maybe he just craves human contact. Then he starts talking to me, in some dialect I could barely understand (Hobo-ish), so in a flash of genius I decide to pretend I'm German. A gruff "Entschuldigung, ich bin Deutsch" manages to ward him off. Crisis averted.

There's a positive correlation between the amount of sun in a park and the number of attractive girls in said park

A false friend

For a bunch of French words, you can get away with just saying the English word in a French accent. 

Example: "Competition" -> "Compeetiizition" (That's my poor representation of a written French accent).

There's others you'd think you can do the same with but mean radically different things. I found this out the hard way in my local branch of Franprix. Again feeling quite confident for some reason, I decided to ask one of the stackers why the bread lasts so long: 

"Y a t-il beaucoup de préservatifs dans le pain ici?". If you don't study French, this might seem alright to you. But preservative/préservatif is one of those false friends you can't Frenchify. 

So basically, I asked her "Are there many condoms in the bread here?". Not exactly what I meant... There seems to be a trend emerging between me feeling confident in my language skills and making a fool out of myself in supermarkets - awesome.

Interesting day at work

I went out with a few fellow Nottingham Parisians yesterday for more than a few drinks yesterday night (nice meeting y'all). Had the worst gueule de bois (hangover) this morning and faced a 9-6 day - nightmare. The fact there was a random dog on the metro should have warned me today was not gonna be a normal day. Literally just got on the train without a care in the world.

Dog chilling on the train - casual.

After a beautiful typical Parisian lunch, I literally fell asleep at my desk for 5 minutes. I was tempted to go to the toilet just to take a powernap but then one of the most surreal things that I've ever seen happened.

Imagine waking up to 5 people randomly dancing in the middle of the office. I know, pretty surreal eh. Apparently, they were watching some flashmob video on YouTube and decided to join in.

I like it here!

Peace from Paris.

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