Another (mis)adventure at the supermarché
It's always the person in front of you in a queue isn't it? I want to track down whoever Sod is and assassinate him for his stupid law.
Yesterday I was in the queue at my local FranPrix (the site of my other escapades, including the infamous "condoms in the bread" one). Just bought some ingredients for my dinner sandwiches and want to check out, when this drunk guy cuts in front and whacks a six-pack onto the counter. He then proceeds to fiddle with change and tries to pay for it with a 50 cent coin and a folded up bit of paper.
Can you believe the cashier had the cheek to refuse his honest payment? The value of folded up bits of paper has really plummeted with the recent economic climate. A 5 minute argument ensued, all with suit-clad me standing there clutching a loaf of bread and some cheese. Surreal to say the least.
Obligatory gripe about the metro
I've found another sickening thing about the metro. It's full of couples. Happy, happy couples. Sickening, right?
Right on, Ted |
On the plus side, it looks like French girls have fairly low standards, which can only be a good thing.
The Musée d'Orsay
Me and some friends met up on Saturday and we decided to hit the Musée d'Orsay. We got here pretty late so couldn't see much but managed to cover the main artists, Monet and Van Gogh etc.
My favourite bit of art? Probably this bench:
Let it never be said that I am an art heathen.
Peace from Paris.